Learning Reverse Engineering
Resources to learn more about reverse engineering and binary exploitation
Ghidra - developed by the NSA for reverse engineering which is widely used
IDA Pro - developed by Hex-Rays used for reverse engineering and debugging
retdec - open source decompiler based around LLVM
angr - an open-source binary analysis platform for Python, angr examples is very useful
Capstone Engine - a disassembly framework with the target of becoming the ultimate disasm engine for binary analysis and reversing in the security community.
Other Tools
wrestool - a tool to extract resources from Microsoft Windows binaries
Video Series
Binary Exploitation / Memory Corruption by LiveOverflow - an introduction to binary exploitation along with going in-depth into more advanced topics
Reversing Wannacry by stacksmashing - reversing the well known malware wannacry using Ghidra
Hack the Box: Intro to Assembly Language - an introduction to the assembly language along with surface level exploitation techniques
Other Guides
ctf101 - guides for various CTF categories including binary exploitation
NSA Codebreakers - the NSA codebreaker challenge is a yearly challenge but the resources to learn how to solve the challenges are on their resources page
exploit.education - provides various virtual machines that contain vulnerabilities along with explanations on the potential exploits
CTF Challenges
- godbolt.org - see how code is compiled
- dogbolt.org - see how different decompilers decompile an executable
- binvis.io - visual analysis of binary files
Heap Exploitation
- how2heap - a repo for learning various heap exploitation techniques
- heap-exploitation - a book about the internals of glibc malloc and free and exploitation techniques
- Cueing up a calculator: an introduction to exploit development on Linux - an article explaining heap exploitation used in CVE-2023-43641 and how the vulnerability was discovered along with the development of an exploit
I’m trying to learn more about reverse engineering and binary explotation but it’s such an information packed subject that the resources can be overwhelming.
This repo tackles that problem by gathering all the resources in one spot and give a brief description.