Ian Kilty's Website


Pass works with gpg keys to encrypt a file with all your passwords in it.

gpg keys are tied to an email address that works with pass.

Generate a gpg key

gpg --full-gen-key

I usually just pick the default RSA and RSA with 4096 bits long and never expires.

It will prompt you to input a name and email, these no not have to be real.

Then it will ask for your master password, remember this one as this unlocks all the other passwords from the gpg key.

List all your gpg keys

gpg -k

Initialize pass

pass init <email address>

Add a password entry

pass add <entry>
pass add email

View all the titles for your passwords

pass ls 

View a password entry

pass <entry>
pass email

This will prompt you for your master password, then display the password for the entry.